Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Confucius says you will be ..........

If someone could predict the future and tell everyone what to do and not to do, this world would be boring. We would lead "perfect" lives without pit-falls, mistakes, weird circumstances, or even miracles, because we would know every aspect. Nothing would be left to chance, and we would never learn. We would go in the path that was pre-destined for us wether we liked it's direction or not. Life is supposed to kick us in the butt, and we are the ones who need to decide what to do about it, not some hocus-pocus prophet who believes that they are the portal to true happiness.

God gave us free will to use and serve him, to better our lives through Him. He didnt hand us the answers, He gives us hints. The bible is our road map and, yeah, we all detour, but in the end we find our way through Him. In a way, God knows we cant do this on our own, and if He were to give us all the answers, we would eventually lose Him. People complain that God does all these bad things, but we are the ones doing it. We turn our backs on Him, and He lets us learn from our mistakes, because He knows we cant do anything without Him. All of the bad is caused, one way or another, by us. We need to realize that. He never wanted this for us, He wanted an Eden for us to enjoy. We created this hell, and He is waiting for us to realize that. We all need to come to our senses and start changing this world, or soon we will all perish, without Him. Hell is real, He is telling us that we have a choice. We have a decision to make and He will show us the way, but WE must make the choice.
Hell is real. Are you going?
Heaven is real. Will you come with us?

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